We have some very exciting news to share! JAtech Services is now a part of the AES Reliability Group following our acquisition by Rotherham-based AES Engineering Ltd. JAtech is proud to announce that we have joined a group of reliability-focused companies owned by AES Engineering Ltd. JAtech is joining the likes of AVT Reliability in the UK, and Van Geffen Reliability in the Netherlands. The move brings forth the promise
VMUG Meeting May 2019
For the VMUG meeting this month we will have Bob Black from Ethos Energy discussing a paper on the following topic: “How to extend steam and gas turbine life cycles and greatly improve reliability/availability through turbine control system and subsystem upgrades” Turbine Control System Upgrade Application Examples that Will Be Reviewed Include: Steam Turbine Driven Compressors Gas Turbine Driven Compressors Steam and Gas Turbine Generators Steam Turbine Driven Fans Steam
VMUG Meeting April 2019
This month we have an interesting presentation from Chuck Jenkins discussing reciprocating compressor Bentley Nevada Panels. Chuck has more than 35 years of Bently Nevada experience and started his Bently Nevada career as a Machinery Diagnostic Engineer in Houston, TX Please find the summary of the presentation below. As one of the oldest compressor designs, recips enjoy unique capabilities and are quite flexible with features such as broad capacity control
VMUG Meeting January 2019
Craig Soeder from Shell will be presenting on a project involving reciprocating compressor frame-off overhaul and foundation replacement in 41 Days. A 3700 HP Clark CLBA-4 Reciprocating Compressor, servicing make up and recycle hydrogen, was experiencing increased vibration levels. The effects of this vibration could be seen through frame to frame extension separation, frame to grout separation and localized cracking in foundation components. During a planned unit shutdown, a project
First VMUG Meeting of 2019.
Date: January 22, 2019, 7:00 pm Stokes Bay Craig Soeder from Shell will be presenting on a project involving reciprocating compressor foundation removal and replacement.
New Website Launched
We are proud to announce the launch of our brand new website, designed and developed by the folks as Abstract Marketing, at 216 King St. W in Chatham-Kent. We also encourage feedback, please feel free to leave a message via our contact page.